
Basic statistics

AcoustIDs 68144928
Fingerprints 83948657
Recordings 18585354
Contributors 808226

Daily additions


AcoustIDs per the number of linked recordings

AcoustIDs with at least 1 recording 19333080 28.37 %
with 1 recording 17310825 89.54 %
with 2 recordings 1457524 7.54 %
with 3 recordings 309516 1.60 %
with 4 recordings 109240 0.57 %
with 5 recordings 50623 0.26 %
with 6 recordings 28132 0.15 %
with 7 recordings 17096 0.09 %
with 8 recordings 11232 0.06 %
with 9 recordings 7999 0.04 %
with 10 or more recordings 30895 0.16 %

Recordings per the number of linked AcoustIDs

Recording with at least 1 AcoustID 18585354 100.00 %
with 1 AcoustID 15989363 86.41 %
with 2 AcoustIDs 1774179 9.59 %
with 3 AcoustIDs 417711 2.26 %
with 4 AcoustIDs 146086 0.79 %
with 5 AcoustIDs 65641 0.35 %
with 6 AcoustIDs 34813 0.19 %
with 7 AcoustIDs 20951 0.11 %
with 8 AcoustIDs 13475 0.07 %
with 9 AcoustIDs 9099 0.05 %
with 10 or more AcoustIDs 33566 0.18 %