Track "f949d3b2-0710-4a27-8cda-5e8f7a84a3e0"

This track has 2 fingerprint(s) and is linked to 2 MusicBrainz recording(s).


ID Length Sources
29025991 6:40 1
30156937 6:40 5

Linked MusicBrainz recordings

Title Artist Length Sources
Bass of Space (Maxwell Implosion remix) Xaver Fischer Trio 5:32 1
Boy Wunder's (extended mix) Nanci Griffith 6:41 1

Additional user-submitted metadata

Title Artist Album Sources
Boy Wunder's (Extended Mix) NANCI GRIFFITH Revisted 1
Late Night Grande Hotel (Boy Wunder's Extended Mix) Nanci Griffith Revisited 1
Boy Wunder's (Extended Mix) Nanci Griffith Revisited 1