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Artist |
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Track05 |
Unknown Artist |
Unknown Title |
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Ah ! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Модест Петрович Мусоргский |
Boris Godounov |
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Ah! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Valery Gergiev |
Mussorgsky - Boris Godounov - 1872 Version - Gergiev |
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Ah ! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Модест Петрович Мусоргский |
Boris Godounov - CD4 |
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Act II - Ah! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Kirov Chorus/Kirov Orchestra/Valery Gergiev |
Boris Godounov (1872 Version) |
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Mussorgsky: Boris Godounov - Act 2: Ah!-What? Has A Wild Beast... |
Nikolai Putilin, Evgeny Nikitin, Etc.; Valery Gergiev: Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra & Chorus |
Moussorgsky: Boris Godunov (1869 & 1872 Versions) [Disc 4] |
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Ah ! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Valery Gergiev |
Boris Godounov [4 of 5] |
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Boris Godunov, opera in 4 acts with a prologue (1872 version): Act 2: "Ah! - What? Has a wild beast..." |
Valery Gergiev & Vladimir Vaneev/Olga Trifonova/Liubov Sokolova/Yuri Schikalov/Evgeny Nikitin/Fyodor Kuznetsov/Zlata Bulycheva/Evgeny Akimov/Konstantin Pluzhnikov/Nikolai Okhotnikov/Yuri Laptev/Grigory Karasev/Andrei Karabanov/Valery Gergiev/Vassily Gerel |
Moussorgsky: Boris Godounov (Two Complete Versions) (Disc 4) |
4 |
Ah! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Valery Gergiev |
Mussorgsky Boris Godounov (1872 Version) [Disc 2] |
1 |
Ah! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Valery Gergiev |
Boris Godounov (1872 Version) |
1 |
Ah ! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Valery Gergiev |
Boris Godounov - version 1872 |
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Act II - Ah! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Valery Gergiev - Kirov Chorus and Orchestra, St Petersburg |
Moussorgsky: Boris Godunov [Disc 4] - 1872 Version |
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Ah ! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Kirov Opera and Orchestra |
1872 Boris Godounov |
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Ah! - What Has a wild beast... |
Moussourgsky |
Boris Godounov CD2 |
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Boris Godunov (1872 version): Act 2: "Ah! - What? Has a wild beast..." |
Valery Gergiev & Vladimir Vaneev/Olga Trifonova/Liubov Sokolova/Yuri Schikalov/Evgeny Nikitin/Fyodor Kuznetsov/Zlata Bulycheva/Evgeny Akimov/Konstantin Pluzhnikov/Nikolai Okhotnikov/Yuri Laptev/Grigory Karasev/Andrei Karabanov/Valery Gergiev/Vassily Gerel |
Boris Godounov (Two Complete Versions) (Disc 4) |
1 |
Ah ! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Модест Петрович Мусоргский |
Boris Godounov 1872 |
1 |
Act 2 - Ah!-What? Has a wild beast... |
Valery Gergiev |
MUSSORGSKY Boris Godounov 1872 Disc 2 |
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Boris Godunov, opera in 4 acts with a prologue (1872 version): Act 2: "Ah! - What? Has a wild beast..." |
Valery Gergiev & Vladimir Vaneev/Olga Trifonova/Liubov Sokolova/Yuri Schikalov/Evgeny Nikitin/Fyodor Kuznetsov/Zlata Bulycheva/Evgeny Akimov/Konstantin Pluzhnikov/Nikolai Okhotnikov/Yuri Laptev/Grigory Karasev/Andrei Karabanov/Valery Gergiev/Vassily Gerel |
Moussorgsky: Boris Godounov (Disc 2) |
1 |
Ah! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Valery Gergiev |
Boris Godounov (1872 Version) [Disc 2] |
3 |
Ah! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Modest Moussorgsky |
Boris Godounov (1872 Version) |
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- {Amme:} Akhty! |
Gergijew |
BorGod {II} |
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Ah ! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Moussorgsky, Valery Gergiev, Kivov Opera |
Boris Godounov |
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Track05 |
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Boris Godounov 1872 CD 2 |
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Ah! - What? Has A Wild Beast... |
Moussorgsky |
Boris Godounov 1872 2 |
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Ah! - What? Has A Wild Beast... |
Moussorgsky - Mariinsky Theatre, Saint-Petersbourg , Kirov Opera & Orchestra , Valery Gergiev |
Boris Godounov 1869 / Boris Godounov 1872 |
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第2幕 モスクワのクレムリンにある皇帝の私邸内部 - 「あれまっ!- どうした?巣ごもりの雌鳥が」 |
ワレリー・ゲルギエフ - キーロフ歌劇場管弦楽団 |
ムソルグスキー 歌劇 「ボリス・ゴドゥノフ」 (1872年版) (3-2 [5-4]) |
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Boris Godunov (Борис Годунов) (1872) - 2. Akt - Akh-ti! Bozhe... Chego? Dl" lyutyy zver' nasedku vepolokhnul ? (Ах-ти! Боже... Чего? Длъ лютый зверь наседку веполохнул? (Herrje...Was ist los? Hat ein wildes Tier die Henne aufgescheucht?)) |
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Boris Godounov (Борис Годунов) 1869+1872 [Gergiev] (1998) |
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Ah ! - What ? Has a wild beast. . . |
Модест Петрович Мусоргский |
Boris Godounov [1872 version] |
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