Track "50a65b51-f476-4436-9544-74e8ed9abd3b"

This track has 4 fingerprint(s) and is linked to 2 MusicBrainz recording(s).


ID Length Sources
86501148 2:13 1
14316531 2:13 50
18919605 2:13 2
19682351 2:13 1

Linked MusicBrainz recordings

Title Artist Length Sources
Boris Godunov (1872 Version): Act 3, Picture 1. "Captivate the Pretender with your beauty!" Kirov Opera, Kirov Opera Orchestra, Valery Gergiev 2:13 7
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Модест Петрович Мусоргский 2:13 3

Additional user-submitted metadata

Title Artist Album Sources
Track18 Unknown Artist Unknown Title 2
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Модест Петрович Мусоргский Boris Godounov 10
Captivate the pretender with your beauty! Valery Gergiev Mussorgsky - Boris Godounov - 1872 Version - Gergiev 1
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Модест Петрович Мусоргский Boris Godounov - CD4 1
Act III, Scene 1 - Captivate the pretender with your beauty! Kirov Chorus/Kirov Orchestra/Valery Gergiev Boris Godounov (1872 Version) 1
Mussorgsky: Boris Godounov - Act 3: Captivate The Pretender With Your Beauty! Nikolai Putilin, Evgeny Nikitin, Etc.; Valery Gergiev: Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra & Chorus Moussorgsky: Boris Godunov (1869 & 1872 Versions) [Disc 4] 2
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Valery Gergiev Boris Godounov [4 of 5] 1
Boris Godunov, opera in 4 acts with a prologue (1872 version): Act 3, scene 1: "Captivate the Pretender with your beauty!" Valery Gergiev & Vladimir Vaneev/Olga Trifonova/Liubov Sokolova/Yuri Schikalov/Evgeny Nikitin/Fyodor Kuznetsov/Zlata Bulycheva/Evgeny Akimov/Konstantin Pluzhnikov/Nikolai Okhotnikov/Yuri Laptev/Grigory Karasev/Andrei Karabanov/Valery Gergiev/Vassily Gerel Moussorgsky: Boris Godounov (Two Complete Versions) (Disc 4) 4
Captivate the pretender with your beauty! Valery Gergiev Mussorgsky Boris Godounov (1872 Version) [Disc 2] 1
Captivate the pretender with your beauty! Valery Gergiev Boris Godounov (1872 Version) 1
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Valery Gergiev Boris Godounov - version 1872 1
Act III, Scene 1 - Captivate the pretender with your beauty! Valery Gergiev - Kirov Chorus and Orchestra, St Petersburg Moussorgsky: Boris Godunov [Disc 4] - 1872 Version 1
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Kirov Opera and Orchestra 1872 Boris Godounov 1
Captivate the Pretender with your beauty! Moussourgsky Boris Godounov CD2 2
Boris Godunov (1872 version): Act 3, scene 1: "Captivate the Pretender with your beauty!" Valery Gergiev & Vladimir Vaneev/Olga Trifonova/Liubov Sokolova/Yuri Schikalov/Evgeny Nikitin/Fyodor Kuznetsov/Zlata Bulycheva/Evgeny Akimov/Konstantin Pluzhnikov/Nikolai Okhotnikov/Yuri Laptev/Grigory Karasev/Andrei Karabanov/Valery Gergiev/Vassily Gerel Boris Godounov (Two Complete Versions) (Disc 4) 1
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Модест Петрович Мусоргский Boris Godounov 1872 1
Act 3 - Picture 1 - Your eyes have started to sparkle with a hellish flame Valery Gergiev MUSSORGSKY Boris Godounov 1872 Disc 2 1
Boris Godunov, opera in 4 acts with a prologue (1872 version): Act 3, scene 1: "Captivate the Pretender with your beauty!" Valery Gergiev & Vladimir Vaneev/Olga Trifonova/Liubov Sokolova/Yuri Schikalov/Evgeny Nikitin/Fyodor Kuznetsov/Zlata Bulycheva/Evgeny Akimov/Konstantin Pluzhnikov/Nikolai Okhotnikov/Yuri Laptev/Grigory Karasev/Andrei Karabanov/Valery Gergiev/Vassily Gerel Moussorgsky: Boris Godounov (Disc 2) 1
Captivate the pretender with your beauty! Valery Gergiev Boris Godounov (1872 Version) [Disc 2] 3
Captivate the pretender with your beauty! Modest Moussorgsky Boris Godounov (1872 Version) 1
- {Rangoni:} Krasóyu svyéyu plení samozvántsa! Gergijew BorGod {II} 1
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Moussorgsky, Valery Gergiev, Kivov Opera Boris Godounov 1
Track18 - Boris Godounov 1872 CD 2 1
- - - 2
Captive The Pretender With Your Beauty! Moussorgsky Boris Godounov 1872 2 1
Captive The Pretender With Your Beauty! Moussorgsky - Mariinsky Theatre, Saint-Petersbourg , Kirov Opera & Orchestra , Valery Gergiev Boris Godounov 1869 / Boris Godounov 1872 1
第3幕 第1場 サンドミェシュ城内にあるマリーナ・ムニーシェクの化粧室 - 「おまえのその美しさであの僭称者を虜にするのだ!」 ワレリー・ゲルギエフ - キーロフ歌劇場管弦楽団 ムソルグスキー 歌劇 「ボリス・ゴドゥノフ」 (1872年版) (3-2 [5-4]) 1
Boris Godunov (Борис Годунов) (1872) - 3. Akt - 1. Bild - Krasoyu svoeyu pdeny (Красою своею пдени (Dann fessele durch deine Schönheit)) - Boris Godounov (Борис Годунов) 1869+1872 [Gergiev] (1998) 1
Captivate the pretender with your beauty ! Модест Петрович Мусоргский Boris Godounov [1872 version] 1