Track "08dae2e9-5668-4809-8709-a1a831ba5007"

This track has 20 fingerprint(s) and is linked to 7 MusicBrainz recording(s).


ID Length Sources
88182950 4:47 1
42129751 4:48 1
52389434 4:48 9
12253399 4:49 1178
12034402 4:49 447
19884046 4:50 1
31009532 4:50 17
25777002 4:50 632
55555606 4:50 1
62672207 4:50 668
20467762 4:50 2
12116392 4:50 10
30496795 4:51 4
61927924 4:51 3
38302833 4:51 1
85834302 4:52 29
64685184 4:53 2
90738389 4:53 1
12940995 4:54 84
18996599 4:54 87

Linked MusicBrainz recordings

Title Artist Length Sources
9c1cb1f8-9d64-43bb-9d23-6e2cd1154886 3
Dancing With Myself (“Don’t Stop” remix) Billy Idol with Gen X 4:50 1231
Dancing With Myself (1979 demo) Generation X 4:56 12
Dancing With Myself Generation X 4:48 1
Dancing With Myself (long version) Generation X, Billy Idol 4:52 2
b2469382-7157-4623-8b14-c2a635c9a7c5 1
eb69556b-1bf0-42a4-a714-b95cfdcd78c1 7

Show 9 disabled recording(s).

Additional user-submitted metadata

Title Artist Album Sources
Dancing with myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 9
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits Billy Idol 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 3
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol; With Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol - Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself [CD/DVD] 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 22
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 905
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Billy Idol - Greatest Hits 6
Dancing with myself Billy Idol Greatest hits 5
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Dancing with myself 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol/Generation X Greatest Hits 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Don't Stop 17
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits {Anthology} 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol - Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol-Idolize Yourself The Very Best Of 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Idolize Yourself (The Very Best Of) 1
Dancing With Myself (2001 Digital Remaster) Billy Idol With Generation X Billy Idol 1
Dancing With My Self Billy Idol Singles Collection 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol/Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing with Myself (w/ Generation X) Billy Idol Idolize Yourself: The Very Best of Billy Idol 2
Dancin With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hit´S 1
Dancing With Myself 2 Pac Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself (EP Version) (2001 Digital Remaster) Generation X Greatest Hits 1
Dancing with Myself (With Generation X) BILLY IDOL 20th Century Masters the Millennium Collection 1
Dancing with Myself (With Generation X) BILLY IDOL 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection 1
Dancing With Myself (EP Version) (2001 Digital Remaster) Generation X Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Idol, Billy Greatest Hits 11
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Flushed Away 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Party 09 1
Dancing With Myself (with Gene Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself (With Generation X) Billy Idol 20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection 1
- - - 226
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best Of: Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 95
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Nieokreślony tytuł 1
Dancing With Mysel Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 3
Track01 Unbekannter Künstler Unbekannter Titel 20
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Strip Jointz (Rocks) 4
Tims Raumschiff Mix 11 Unbekannter Künstler Unbekannter Titel 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits '2001 3
Dancing With Myself (Edit / Remastered) Billy Idol Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol (Capitol Records, 50999 2354412 3, Russia) 9
Billy Idol Featuring Generation X / Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 30
Dancing With Myself (Feat. Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 24
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (Remastered) 76
Dancing With Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol 3
Track02 Unbekannter Künstler Unbekannter Titel 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With My Self - Billy Idol Various Artists 80's Weekend de Universal Stereo 92. 1 1
Track09 Billy Idol 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing With Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol Icon 16
Dancing With Myself (With Generation X) Billy Idol 10 Great Songs 7
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol (with Generation X) One Shot 1981 (Disk Two) 4
Dancing with myself Billy Idol with Generation X 1981 - CD2 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Antrología, Disc 1 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Featuring Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 43
Track01 Unknown Artist Unknown Title 9
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X 20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X Billy Idol The Very Best Of 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Idolize Yourself (The Very Best Of Billy Idol) 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Billy Idol Icon 21
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (Remastered) (2001) 45
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Don't Stop 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 41
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol (With Generation X) One Shot Le Più Belle Canzoni Dell'anno 1981 CD-02 1
Dancing With Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol 10 Great Songs 4
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Antrologia 2
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol 10 Great Songs 3
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (Remastered)(2001) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Icon 4
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (RM) 1
Dancing with Myself Generation X Greatest Hits 3
Dancing With Myself (With Generation X) BILLY IDOL The Very Best Of Billy Idol (Capitol Records, 50999 2354412 3, Russia) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X 20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: 10 Great Songs 13
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol 10 Great Songs 20th Century Masters The Millenium Collection 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 6
Track01 Billy Idol Greatest hits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (RM) 1
Dancing With Myself Idol Billy The Very Best Of 1
Dancing With Myself Biliy Idol 10 great song of Biliy Idol 1
Track01 Unbekannter Künstler Billy Idol - Greatest Hits 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 3
dancing with myself Billy Idol best of 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Don't Stop (EP) [1983 Reissue] 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Featuring Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol 2
Billy Idol Dancing With Myself Unknown Title 1
Dancing With Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol (With Generation X) One Shot Le Pi� Belle Canzoni Dell'anno 1981 CD-02 1
Dancing With Myself (feat. Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol (Idolize Yourself) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself [with Generation X] Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 10
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (Compilation) 1
Dancing With Mysel (EP Version) Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself (Compilation) 1
Dancing With Myself (With Generation X) Billy Idol 20ᵀᴴ Century Masters: The Millennium Collection (Compilation) 1
Dancing With Myself Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 2
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol with Generation X Idolize Yourself: The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol With Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 9
Traccia01 Billy Idol greatest hits 1
Traccia04 V.A. Punk Punk 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X Floorfillers 1
Dancing With Myself Generation X Punk Generation 4
Track01 Billy Idol HITS 1
Dancing With Myself (long version) Billy Idol with Gen X Don't Stop 4
Dancing With Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 8
Track01 Billy Idol Unknown Title 2
Dancing With Myself (Long Version) Billy Idol Don't Stop (Chrysalis F2 21729) 1
Dancing with myself Billy Idol The very best of 1
Dancing with Myself Idol, Billy The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 5
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol One Shot 1981 - CD 2 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Featuring Generation X Idol, Billy - The Very Best Of - Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol The Millennium Collection 1
Dancing with Myself [Don't Stop EP Version] Generation X; Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
01_Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Track01 Mix FinkFourty CD-1 1
Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself Various Artists (MP3) Rock Music 1
Track01 Billy Idol Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 2001 1
Dancing With Myself Idol, Billy Greatest Hits (DR) 1
Generation X - Dancing With Myself (Digital Remaster) V.A. Cycling - Rock & Pop Hits 2 1
Track05 Unknown Artist Best Rock 3 1
Track03 Billy Idol CD1 1
Dancing With Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol feat. Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol 8
Dancing with Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol 10 Great Songs - The Millennium Collection 1
Dancing with Myself Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
Utwór01 Nieokreślony twórca Nieokreślony tytuł 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol & Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol 3
Dancing With Myself Various Artists Back To The 80´s CD3 1
Dancing With Myself (Kiss Me Deadly, 1981) Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol With Generation X (4) , Idolize Yourself - The Very Best Of 1
Idol, Billy - Dancing With Myself (0000) R ASCD Idol, Billy (A) Greatest Hits (A) 1
Track09 Unknown Artist Unknown Title 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X Serien Hits aus Hit Serien 1
Dancing With Myself Feat. Generation X Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself (Disc 1) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Track01 Billy Idol The very best of 1
Billy Idol feat. Generation X / Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol ft. Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Billy Idol feat. Generation X / Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing with myself Billy Idol Greatest hits (remastered) 1
Dancing with myself/with generation X Billy Idol The very best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself (long version) (with Gen X) Billy Idol Don't Stop (EP) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Feat. Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol 33
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Billy Idol - Greatest Hits (Remastered) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Idolize Yourself: The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Millennium Collection (Capitol 2014) 2
Billy Idol Feat. Generation X / Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 8
Track01 Billy Billy Idol 3
Dancing With Myself [with GENERATION X] Billy Idol Idolize Yourself-The Very Best Of 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol One Shot 1981 2
Dancing with Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: 10 Great Songs 8
Dancing With Myself (Feat. Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol - 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol, Generation X Jim Beam: 40 Shots Of Rock - CD1 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (2001) 1
Dancing With Myself WITH GENERATION X Idol, Billy The Very Best 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol 20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing With Myself (Long Version) (With Generation X) Billy Idol Don't Stop (EP) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol With Generation X Idolize Yourself 1
Track08 Billy Idol 10 Great Songs 1
Traccia16 Billy Idol Billy Idol compilation 2
Dancing With Myself [Feat. Generation X] Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Трек01 Billy Idol Billy Idol Best 1
Track04 Divers Hits annees 80 1
Dancing with myself Artista Sconosciuto Titolo Sconosciuto 1
Dancing with myself Vari One shot 1981 CD 2 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (4) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Featuring Generation X Favorites, Volume 10 1
Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself Idol, Billy Greatest Hits Billy Idol 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Featuring Generation X The Very Best of: Idolize Yourself 1
Track01 Billy Idol Idolize Yourself - The Very Best Of Billy Idol 4
b5 - - 1
Dancing with Myself (1981) Billy Idol with Generation X 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection - 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing With Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol (Album) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Strip Jointz Rocks: Rock n’ Roll for Sexy Dancers 1
音轨08 未知艺术家 未知标题 1
Track01 Unbekannter Künstler 218 1
Billy Idol with Generation X / Dancing With Myself Billy Idol 20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing with Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol Icon 3
Dancing With Myself [With Generation X] Idol, Billy 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Hreatest Hits 2
Dancing with myself Billy Idol Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself (EP Version) Billy Idol with Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol - Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X 20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Feat. Generation X The Very Best Of 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits - CD01 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Featuring Generation X Idolize Yourself - The very best of 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X 101 Floorfillers 1
Track04 Unknown Artist Unknown Title 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Featuring Generation X The Very Best Of Billy Idol, Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself [featuring Generation X] Idol, Billy Idolize Yourself: The Very Best Of Billy Idol 9
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol ft Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X Idolize Yourself - The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Various Feel Good Songs CD2 1
Dancing With Myself (With Generation X) Billy Idol 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: 10 Great Songs 1
Track05 Unknown Artist Raunch 1
Traccia02 Artista Sconosciuto Titolo Sconosciuto 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself (With Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol / Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself [EP Version, 2001 Digital Remaster] Billy Idol Idolize Yourself: The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself BILLY IDOL Greatest Hits 2
Dancing With Myself (With Generation X) Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing with Myself (feat. Generation X) Billy Idol Idolize Yourself: The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Billy Idol: Greatest Hits 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits (Chrysalis 72435-28812-2-2) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Billy Idol - The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Lo Esencial De Antrologia 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol (feat. Generation X) 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Unknown Title 2
Dancing with Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol 10 Great Songs: 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol (2001) Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself / with Generation X Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
01 Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits - Remaster 1
Dancing with Myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol Idolize Yourself (The Very Best of Billy Idol) 1
Featuring Generation X / Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol - Idolize Yourself 2
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol 80s Weekend De Universal 1
Track13 Unknown Artist Unknown Title 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol 80's Radical Road Trip 1
Billy Idol -Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol With Generation X (4) 10 Great Songs 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol With Generation X Radical 80s Roadtrip 1
Dancing With Myself Idol Billy The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Billy Idol -Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Billy Idol -Greatest Hits 7
Dancing with myself Billy Idol Billy Idol: Greatest Hits 1
Dancing with Myself Billy Idol Icon 1
Traccia01 Artista Sconosciuto Titolo Sconosciuto 4
Dancing with myself Billy Idol Billy Idol greatest hits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Greatest Hits14 1
Dancing With Myself [Long Version][featuring Generation X] Idol, Billy Don't Stop [EP] 4
Dancing With Myself (EP Version) Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing with myself Billy Idol The very best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Gen X Greatest Hits 32
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol Idolize Your Self 1
Dancing With Myself...y Billy Idol The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X Idolize Yourself 1
Track01 Billy Idol Greatest Hits 1
Dancing with Myself (Gen X EP Version) Billy Idol; Gen X The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself 1
Dancing With Myself Generation X Unknown Title 1
Track08 Billy Idol 20th Century Masters 1
Track01 Unbekannter Künstler Greatest Hits 1
Dancing With Myself Bily Idol Greatest Hits 2
Dancing With Myself Generation X Gloriosos 80's 1
Dancing with myself (with Generation X) Billy Idol Idolize Yourself (The Very Best Of) 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Don't Stop - Copy 2 1
Spår01 Okänd Artist Okänd Titel 1
Track01 BillyIdol GreatestHits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Dancing With Myself 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X CCD1 The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
dancing with myself gen x greatest hits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol [2001] Greatest Hits 1
DancingWithMyself BillyIdol GreatestHits 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Idolize Yourself - The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X The Very Best of Billy Idol - Idolize Yourself {EU,Capitol Records,509992 15140 29} 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol With Generation X Idolize Yourself: The Very Best Of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Idolize Yourself: The Very Best of Billy Idol 3
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol Idolize Yourself: The Very Best of Billy Idol 3
Dancing With Myself [feat. Generation X] Billy Idol The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol with Generation X Idolize Yourself: The Very Best of Billy Idol 1
Dancing with myself - Uptown mix Billy Idol Unknown Title 1
On My Way Spiderbait Greatest Hits 3
White Wedding - Part 1 Billy Idol BEST 1
Dancing With Myself Billy Idol; Generation X Alle 40 Goed - New Wave Classics 1
Carousel blink‐182 Greatest Hits 1
Track01 Unknown Artist Billy Idol Greatest Hots 1